The Incredible Kayaking Cat

Way back in July, we took our cat, Remington, for a kayak ride.
Click here to see what happened.
Music by Antonio Vivaldi, Carl Orff
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I still have to say that this is one of the best videos that I have seen...the music, the hilarity, and the anger of the cat...fantastic!
haha... i cant get over how weird/awesome the cat sounded. like he was muttering curses under his breath.
probably plotting his revenge
A wild short. ;)
The only thing I would of loved in addition is to see the cat after it had come out of the water.
And was he easy to catch after making it to shore? Poor kitty! I'm impressed at how well he can swim.
Aww... do you reckon he'll put up a fight the next time you try and put him on a kayak? :)
I just discovered your video (5 years after the fact). I take it your cat did not make a habit of paddling with you after that!? My cat, Seamus, canoes and kayaks with me all the time. He enjoys it a lot more than your boy, though. I don't have video of it, though I do have a lot of pictures.
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